Good morning! Today is Monday, April 27, 2020. I hope you had a great vacation! We have MUSIC today. We will also be learning about trash and recycling. You may notice Khan Academy as a choice for math. If you want to give it a try, the website is and the class code is: DKR6PH8M. Let me know what you think!
** Congratulations to the winners of April 17th's Math Challenge of the Day:
The correct answer was: The line at Market Basket was 120 feet (20 x 6 = 120).
**Today's Math Challenge Question:
Stan is doing his homework. He solves the problem 835 - 274 and gets the answer 561. His mom checks his work and says that the answer is 661. Who is correct?
**Recipes are being collected to make a corona quarantine class cookbook. Please send me
your favorite recipe to include, and photos/videos are also encouraged! If a grandparent also wants to send in a recipe, the more the merrier!
**Please let me know how your plant is growing! I've gotten some more photos and will post them.
**GOOGLE MEET TUESDAY AT NOON - We will play BINGO and have a special MYSTERY READER!