Sunday, October 21, 2018

Spelling List Change

Tomorrow I am going to try an "old trick" to help students improve their spelling test scores in class. Students will take a pre-test on their new spelling words for the week. The pre-test will come home on Monday and students will need to write all misspelled words three times each and return to school the next day. Students who receive 100 percent on the pre-test will receive five extra words to study (so they will have 17 words on the test on Friday rather than 12). I have used this procedure in the past and found it very effective in helping raise students' test grades in spelling. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Thank you for all of your help at home!


Happy Friyay! One week left! What an awesome day it is out there! I can't wait for next week! Report cards, FIVE Google Meets (all fun)...