Reading Tips

1. When selecting a book, students should try the "five-finger" method. Have your child read the page aloud. If he or she makes more than 5 errors, then the book is probably too difficult to read aloud. Of course, it's acceptable and encouraged for parents to read to their children! However, in order to improve decoding and fluency skills, kids need to be able to read books aloud at their own level. Using the "five-finger" method will help students choose books that they can feel confident about reading aloud.

2. Tap it Out - We practice tapping sounds out in school. Have your child tap out the sounds in the syllables. This will help him or her be able to decode the sounds.

3.  Choral read - You can choral read a story with your child. Read the section of the story your child wants together at the same rate. Pause at the end of each sentence. Use expression and excitement when reading, as if you are telling a story.

4. Is your child having trouble reading a passage? Experts say that repeated readings of passages helps kids become stronger readers. Have your child reread the passage three times. This will help him or her solidify their decoding of the passage. The more that he or she reads, the more confident a reader he or she will become!


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