Thursday, April 2, 2020

Happy Thursday!

Good morning kids - Here are your activities for today:

*Work on your packet - Two stories and the accompanying activities and 2 - 3 math pages
*Lexia (20 minutes) 
*Symphony Math (20 minutes)
*Try to log onto Xtra Math - An e-mail with your password was sent on Tuesday. Please let me know if you didn't receive it and need your passcode!
*Scholastic Learn At Home - Day 4: Social Studies - Communities
-Read Giggle, Giggle, Quack and Living on Farms
-Click on Meet the Creators to learn about the authors
-Can you draw a picture of a farm that you have visited or would like to have in your backyard? Write a paragraph to describe the animals  on your farm.  


Happy Friyay! One week left! What an awesome day it is out there! I can't wait for next week! Report cards, FIVE Google Meets (all fun)...