Mrs. Wilson's Flock of Second Grade Warriors! Stand tall and proud and BE UNIQUE!
Monday, November 26, 2018
Learning About Our Veterans
Earlier this month Mr. Richard Voutour from the Leominster Veterans Center paid a visit to the second grade at Johnny Appleseed School. He spoke to the kids about what it means to be a veteran, and talked to the kids for forty-five minutes about the various branches of the military. The students had some wonderful questions, asking questions such as what kinds of jobs servicemen and women have, where they live, and things that they do. This is all part of our pen pal program that the second grade is undertaking!
Happy Friyay! One week left! What an awesome day it is out there! I can't wait for next week! Report cards, FIVE Google Meets (all fun)...
Mrs. Bernard wants the kids to know that they can go online to to do some awesome exercises at home!