Students will receive orange homework folders on Monday. Inside there is your child's spelling list, which will consist of ten to twelve high frequency words students should know how to spell. Students will be tested on their spelling words on Fridays. Keeping the spelling list in a visible location, such as your refrigerator, is recommended so that students can easily practice their words. Students will also be tested on the spelling patterns learned in Fundations, our phonics/spelling program, at the end of each unit.
In addition, students will receive a reading log and they are expected to read for twenty minutes each night (Monday through Thursday). Please sign the log nightly and return it to school inside the orange folder on Friday. Students are also expected to read a fluency passage one time each night for one minute. Please time your child on his/her reading of the passage, and help your child count how many words he or she read. We will be practicing this in class on Monday, so your child should be able to model this for you.
Symphony Math is not up and running yet. Once that is set, I will send home the usernames and passwords for students to work on as well. Thank you for your support at home!