Monday, December 14, 2015


Ho! Ho! Ho! There is NO HOMEwork this week! Students still need to study their spelling words. Here are the lists:  

List 2 - misread, misuse, mistrust, mistreat, mislead, mistake, precut, preplan, prepay, preheat, discount, discover, distrust, disagree, dismount

List 3 - misprint, misread, mistreat, miscount, misspell, precut, preheat, preplan, preview, dishonest, dismounted, discover, disconnect, distrust

Reminder: We are making gingerbread houses on Friday. Please send in a can of frosting, a plastic bag, and candy to share by Friday so that I can see how much extra we need. Thank you for all of the donations! You are the best!

Cursive update:  Friday's spelling test will be in print. We ARE practicing our spelling words in cursive and today we wrote the words in class in cursive. I know the students are very excited about getting their cursive learner's permit and love writing in cursive now. The test will be counted in print as we get accustomed to writing words in cursive more frequently.


Happy Friyay! One week left! What an awesome day it is out there! I can't wait for next week! Report cards, FIVE Google Meets (all fun)...