Monday, January 25, 2016

Homework for Monday, January 25, 2016

Spelling - Write each word three times (at least twice in cursive)

RAH/MAH - due Friday

Math - Worksheet #8-7 even numbers on the front, #22 on the back.

Please encourage your child to continue to read for Books and Beyond, and to go onto Reflex Math three times a week until they hit the green light. We are seeing real success with students as they increase their fluency in multiplication and division! Thank you again for all of your help at home!

Time For Kids

Students are bringing home a "Time for Kids" booklet today. Please encourage your child and help them to write down the names and addresses of seven people (relatives, friends, neighbors), and return it to school for a prize. No money is needed! This is simply a way for "Time for Kids" to reach out to more people!  Thank you!

Spelling Lists for the week of January 25, 2016

Plural nouns

List 2 - years, twins, trays, states, ashes, foxes, inches, flies, cities, ponies, bunches, alleys, lunches, cherries, daisies

List 3 - trays, ashes, foxes, inches, ponies, bunches, alleys, cherries, daisies, heroes, libraries, chimneys, eyelashes, journeys, scratches

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Math - Worksheet: Rounding to the nearest tens
RAH/MAH is due Friday! Thank you for all of your help at home! You are your child's best teacher!
Spelling Lists for the week of January 11th
It's a review week!
List 2 - pearl, word, herds, your, yard, story, wear, peer, stairs, mistrust, preheat, dismount, point, owl, couch
List 3 - third, emerge, Thursday, orchard, sharp, uproar, fairly, beard, weird, discover, preview, miscount, snowplow, voice, prowling

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Writing a HOW-TO

Students in 3F are writing how-to informational essays this week. On Friday we are sharing our how-to's with each other. Students need to bring in at least one prop from home to accompany their report.

Spelling Lists for the Week of January 4 - 8

oi and oy

List 2 - oil, point, town, crowd, proud, foil, coins, owl, shout, house, boil, joy, plow, round, sound

List 3 - voice, foil, joyful, proud, snowplow, coins, loyal, couch, louder, crowd, noise, royally, bowed, pounce, prowling


Students will take the PARCC assessment in ELA and Math this spring. Students will be assessed in ELA on April 27, 28, and 29 (Wednesday through Friday). In Math, students will be tested on May 16, 17, 18, and 19 (Monday though Thursday). Attendance is especially important during these dates!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!

     I am really excited about getting back into a routine at school, and can't wait to see the kiddos! The weather so far this winter season has been mostly kind to us, so let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't get too many snow days this winter! This week in school we will be getting back to our usual routine. Here is the homework update for the week of January 4:

RAH for the week: Complete a Books and Beyond sheet by Friday (unless you have turned one in over vacation. Forms were sent home before the holiday.)

Monday - Spelling - Write the words in cursive three times each

*Oral Reading Fluency Practice - Students will be assessed on their reading skills on Tuesday. A practice packet is going home for students to practice. Ideally, students should read 92 words per minute by January.

Tuesday - Math worksheet and Reflex Math

Wednesday - Math worksheet and Reflex Math

Thursday - Math worksheet and Reflex Math


Happy Friyay! One week left! What an awesome day it is out there! I can't wait for next week! Report cards, FIVE Google Meets (all fun)...